
If you have previously registered and would like to rejoin, please follow the instructions here.

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① Login to Native Camp

If you are not logged in to Native Camp, you will be asked to log in.
Please enter your email address and password to access your existing account.

②Re-subscribe procedure

Please make the payment and complete the re-subscribe procedure.

③Re-subscribe procedure completed

You can resume lessons with your old account information.

※If you have any questions about re-enrollment, please contact us.

Contact Us
  • When re-enrolling, data such as user information, coins, lesson history, chat history, wordbook, favorites, etc., at the time of withdrawal (holiday) will be inherited.
  • After the re-enrollment procedure, the monthly payment date will be based on the date of re-enrollment.


You can unsubscribe at any time from your user settings page.

If you wish to take a break, you can unsubscribe and rejoin whenever you're ready.

Click Here for User Settings Page

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