Camera/Microphone Settings

Camera/Microphone Access Permissions

Please allow access to the camera and microphone before taking lessons at Native Camp

Camera/microphone access can be granted on the Environment Check page below

※Lessons can be taken without a camera

For Google Chrome

When prompted for access, click the [Allow] button

The browser will request access to the camera and microphone, so click the [Allow] button displayed at the top.

※If it does not work, please check the following settings.

【A. Check the permission status of the camera and microphone】

①Click the camera icon on the top-right of the screen.
※ If blocked or inaccessible, it will be marked with an 'x.'

Click the camera icon on the top-right of the screen. <br> ※ If blocked or inaccessible, it will be marked with an 'x.'

②Check the current permission status of the camera and microphone.
Make sure that "Allow" is checked and click "Done".


※ Check the permission status of the camera and microphone from the lock icon on the upper left of the screen.
If it is not allowed, select "Always allow on this site" as shown in the image.

Camera and microphone permission settings

【B. Check Camera/Microphone Devices】

There is a possibility that the camera/microphone is not functioning correctly, It could be due to incorrect camera or microphone settings.
Make sure that the camera and microphone devices are selected correctly.
(*Example: If the microphone attached to the web camera is selected, but the headset microphone isn't picking up your voice, Change the settings to the headset microphone.)

Click the camera icon on the top-right of the screen.
※ If blocked or inaccessible, it will be marked with an 'x.'

If you accidentally select a block, please click on the cross mark.

Check the Camera and Microphone settings.
Make sure that your camera and microphone are selected correctly, then click 'Done'.
(*Please make sure that the correct devices are selected to avoid any technical problems.)


For Firefox

Camera/Microphone Settings in Firefox
  • ①Make sure that the camera and microphone devices are selected correctly.
  • ②Click [▼] for device options
  • ③Double-check your devices for confirmation.
  • ④Click the "Allow" button to complete the process.

※If it does not work, please check the following settings.

【A. Check the permission status of the camera and microphone】

You can check the permission status of the camera and microphone from the video icon on the upper left of the screen or the lock icon. If it is not permitted, select "Allow" as shown in the image.

Camera and microphone permission settings

【B. Check Camera/Microphone Device Status】

There is a possibility that the camera/microphone is not functioning correctly, It could be due to incorrect camera or microphone settings.
Make sure that the camera and microphone devices are selected correctly.
(*Example: If the microphone attached to the web camera is selected, but the headset microphone isn't picking up your voice, Change the settings to the headset microphone.)

①If you have already set 'Allow' in the settings, you'll need to confirm camera and microphone sharing again.
Click the lock icon in the upper-left corner of the screen and then click '>' to view options.


②Select "More information".


③Go to the Security tab, then locate "Use the camera" and "Use the microphone." Click "Allow" on the right side to enable permission for the use of the camera and microphone.


④From the next time, if you are asked again for camera and microphone permissions,
Make sure that the correct camera and microphone are selected, and choose 'Allow'.
(*Please make sure that the correct devices are selected to avoid any technical problems.)

Camera/Microphone Settings in Firefox

For Microsoft Edge

When prompted for access, click the [Allow] button

The browser will request access to the camera and microphone, so click the [Allow] button displayed at the top.

※If it does not work, please check the following settings.

【A. Check the permission status of the camera and microphone】

①Click the camera icon on the top-right of the screen.
※ If blocked or inaccessible, it will be marked with an 'x.'

Click the camera icon on the top-right of the screen. <br> ※ If blocked or inaccessible, it will be marked with an 'x.'

②Check the current permission status of the camera and microphone.
Make sure that "Allow" is checked and click "Done".


※ Check the permission status of the camera and microphone from the lock icon on the upper left of the screen.
If it is not allowed, select "Always allow on this site" as shown in the image.

Camera and microphone permission settings

【B. Check Camera/Microphone Devices】

There is a possibility that the camera/microphone is not functioning correctly, It could be due to incorrect camera or microphone settings.
Make sure that the camera and microphone devices are selected correctly.
(*Example: If the microphone attached to the web camera is selected, but the headset microphone isn't picking up your voice, Change the settings to the headset microphone.)

Click the camera icon on the top-right of the screen.
※ If blocked or inaccessible, it will be marked with an 'x.'

If you accidentally select a block, please click on the cross mark.

Check the Camera and Microphone settings.
Make sure that your camera and microphone are selected correctly, then click 'Done'.
(*Please make sure that the correct devices are selected to avoid any technical problems.)


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