Most Viewed FAQs

I can't see the chat box. Please tell me how to fix it.

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In some PCs, the chat box during the lesson may be hidden. To display the chat box, please try the f...


Is the Free Trial Completely Free?

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Free Trial Enrollment Fee: There is no fee when starting your free trial, as the payment is processe...


Troubleshooting methods for video and audio issues (app version)

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Please try the following points as a solution to the issue when using the app: - Press the reconnect...


Please tell me how to cancel a booking. (App version)

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There are two ways to cancel a Booked Lesson in the app as follows: 【Cancel from the booking list】 1...


When is the monthly fee due?

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Free Trial Period We are currently offering a free trial period, after which the monthly fee will be...


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