
Erika (age: 44)

Country Japan Japan
Tutor experience

11 months



Ratings : 5.00

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Kids ratings : 4.95

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1821 times

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Number of reservations 2 people Cancellation rate 0 %
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Hello. I'm Erika!
Welcome to Native Camp. Japanese is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn, but don't worry. Let's learn in a fun way together!

I graduated with a Degree on Education from the Kyoto National University of Education. I have a license in basic education and am competent in teaching all basic subjects in Japanese elementary school as well as Special Education(SPED)

I've worked in the banking industry for 6 years as a teller and loans officer.
Currently I work part-time for one of the leading and largest retail shops in Japan, as a customer service representative and sales representative.

Beginners are more than welcome to take my classes because I am patient and willing to adjust to your pace. Of course, intermediate and advanced students are
also welcome!

I'm looking forward to helping you become more fluent and confident in your Japanese. See you in my class ! Thank you !

Hello. I'm Erika!
Welcome to Native Camp. Japanese is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn, but don't worry. Let's learn in a fun way together!

I graduated with a Degree on Education from the Kyoto National University of Education. I have a license in basic education and am competent in teaching all basic subjects in Japanese elementary school as well as Special Education(SPED)

I've worked in the banking industry for 6 years as a teller and loans officer.
Currently I work part-time for one of the leading and largest retail shops in Japan, as a customer service representative and sales representative.

Beginners are more than welcome to take my classes because I am patient and willing to adjust to your pace. Of course, intermediate and advanced students are
also welcome!

I'm looking forward to helping you become more fluent and confident in your Japanese. See you in my class ! Thank you !


Traveling Cooking Learning English Watching Drama Anime

Tutor experience

11 mos

Tutor Schedule

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  • Unavailable for lesson request

About Booked Lesson

New reservations cannot be made because the maximum number of reservations has been reached.
Please make a reservation again after completing the Booked Lesson.

  • current time:March 29, 2025 4:33
  • (Tokyo, Japan UTC+09:00)
  • Bookings are accepted until 5 minutes prior to the start of the lesson.
  • If you make a booking mistake, please cancel it at least 1 hour ahead and create a new one.
  • You can switch textbooks at the start or during the lesson, as long as they're compatible with your tutor.
  • If the lesson hasn't started within 5 minutes of the booked time, it will be canceled.
  • Please make sure to log in to your PC or app and get ready for the lesson before it starts.
  • For more details on Booked lessons, please see 'What is a Booked Lesson?' and 'Rules for Booked Lessons.'

Evaluation with this textbook : 0.00

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*Calculated from the latest 100 ratings.

Lessons with this textbook

Total lessons : 0 times

Total bookings : 0 times

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