Mariko Mariko (マリコ) Reviews (5 people)


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  • 2024-05

    She personalized my lessons according to my needs as per usual and she is immensely patient!!!

  • 2024-05

    I really enjoyed my lesson with Mariko. She uses the chat box well and provides both the English, Japanese, and English phonetic breakdowns of each sentence. She was very patient and answered all y questions with a smile. She also speaks English very well! I would definitely recommend her to anyone wanting to improve their Japanese. Thank you for the fun lesson!

  • 2024-05

    Thank you for 1st lesson.

  • 2024-04

    Thank you. Nice explanation!

  • 2024-04

    Mariko has a very calm and inviting approach to her lessons. I really enjoyed it. Mariko provided good explanations and breakdowns on how to pronounce words clearly through the chat box. I will definitely take her lessons again soon and would highly recommend her to anyone. I encourage you to try her out. You won't regret it. Thank you Mariko!

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