
Hozumi (age: 43)

Country Japan Japan
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I studied linguistics, phonetics and other language-related subjects at university. I am particularly interested in the process of human language acquisition and have taken lectures at universities to study various aspects of language. I attended an interpreter training school, and in recent years I have worked as a clerk and interpreter at international conferences and international sporting events in Japan, checked English announcements at the National Museum of Art, and am gaining experience using English in a variety of other fields. I am not a fast learner, so I have taken more detours than others, and I have climbed each step of the language learning process, turtle style, one step at a time. No matter how long it took, I still love speaking English. I want to enjoy speaking English with you as if we were opening a textbook together at the library or talking over tea at a café, feeling close to the person with whom I am speaking. Talking with someone who believes in you and encourages you, someone who can identify areas of growth and the factors behind them, is very effective for language learning. I am good at that. I studied linguistics, and phonetics, at the University of Foreign Studies. In particular, I'm interested in the process of language acquisition by human beings, and even after graduation, I have taken classes at universities to study various aspects of languages. In recent years, I have been working as an interpreter at international conferences and sporting events in Japan, checking English voice guidance at the National Museum. National Museum.

私は大学で言語学や音声学など言語にまつわることを勉強しました。特に人間の言語獲得過程に興味を持ち、言葉の諸相を学ぶために大学で講義を受けたりしています。通訳訓練校に通い、近年では日本国内で行われる国際会議や国際的なスポーツイベントで事務局員や通訳として働いたり、国立美術館の英語アナウンスのチェックをしたり、色んな分野で英語を使って経験を積んでいるところです。 私は言語習得が早い方ではなかったので人より回り道をしましたし、言語学習の各段階を亀さんスタイルで一歩づつ登ってきました。どれだけ時間がかかっても私は英語を話している自分がとても好きです。皆さんにもそう感じていただけるように、図書館で一緒に教科書を開くように、カフェでお茶しながら話すように、相手を身近に感じながら一緒に楽しみたいです。 自分を信じて励ましてくれる人、伸びた所とその要因をしっかり見極められる人と話す事は言語学習にとても効果的です。私はそれが得意です。皆さんをお手伝いできれば幸いです。I studied linguistics, and phonetics, at the University of Foreign Studies. In particular, I’m interested in the process of language acquisition by human beings, and even after graduation, I have taken classes at universities to study various aspects of languages. In recent years, I have been working as an interpreter at international conferences and sporting events in Japan, checking English voice guidance at the National Museum.


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Tutor experience

2 yrs 4 mos

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  • current time:October 18, 2024 13:51
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