
Harumi (age: 46)

Country Japan Japan
Tutor experience

2 months

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Nice to meet you.
My name is Harumi.
I love to interact with people from other countries.
I hope to be of help to students who are studying Japanese.
I have been working for a foreign company for a little less than 8 years, so I am also good at English.
Let's study Japanese together!

Hello, nice to meet you. I am Harumi. I like to interact with people from other countries. I can help you improve your Japanese language. I can also speak English so I can explain in English too.
Let's practice Japanese together, looking forward to seeing you in my class!


Hello, nice to meet you. I am Harumi. I like to interact with people from other countries. I can help you improve your Japanese language. I also can speak English so I can explain in English too.
Let's practice Japanese together, looking forward to seeing you in my class!


Traveling Hiking Speaking english

Tutor experience

2 mos

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Explanation of booking icons

  • Bookable
  • Available for booking request
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About Booked Lesson

New reservations cannot be made because the maximum number of reservations has been reached.
Please make a reservation again after completing the Booked Lesson.

  • current time:September 08, 2024 9:47
  • (Tokyo, Japan UTC+09:00)
  • Bookings are accepted until 5 minutes prior to the start of the lesson.
  • If you make a booking mistake, please cancel it at least 1 hour ahead and create a new one.
  • You can switch textbooks at the start or during the lesson, as long as they're compatible with your tutor.
  • If the lesson hasn't started within 5 minutes of the booked time, it will be canceled.
  • Please make sure to log in to your PC or app and get ready for the lesson before it starts.
  • For more details on Booked lessons, please see 'What is a Booked Lesson?' and 'Rules for Booked Lessons.'

Evaluation with this textbook : 0.00

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*Calculated from the latest 100 ratings.

Lessons with this textbook

Total lessons : 0 times

Total bookings : 0 times

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