
Alie (age: 57)

Country Japan Japan
Tutor experience

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Hello I'll make love to you, my name is Allie! I teach English at Nativecamp, so I am familiar with the Nativecamp teaching method. I also run my own language school and have a lot of experience teaching. I can explain everything in English, including Japanese expressions and grammar I was born and raised in Tokyo, so my Japanese is close to the so-called standard Japanese I have completed TESOL training and have learned how to make language learning fun, easy and effective. I am friendly, so feel free to come to my classes. I can also speak English if you need help. Let's have a good time chatting and having fun...I promise I will do my best! (*^^*)I can't wait to see you in my class.Thank you for watching my video.

Hello, my name is Alie and I'm so excited to be able to help you learn Japanese! I teach English on Nativecamp, so I'm familiar with their teaching style. Additionally, I've been running my own language school and have a lot of experience teaching. Furthermore, I've completed the 120 TESOL training, which has taught me how to make language learning fun, easy, and effective. I'm a friendly person and I believe learning should be enjoyable, so I'm sure we'll have fun together. You can count on me.

こんにちは♬私の名前はアリーです!私はNativecampで英語を教えているので、Nativecampの教え方には慣れています。また、自分で語学学校を経営しており、教える経験も豊富です。日本語の表現や文法など、あらゆることを英語で説明することができます私は、東京生まれ東京育ちなので、いわゆる標準語に近い日本語です。TESOLトレーニングを修了し、言語学習を楽しく、簡単に、効果的にする方法を学びました。私はフレンドリーなので、安心して私のクラスに来てくださいね。困ったときには英語でお話もできます。楽しくおしゃべりしたり、楽しい時間をすごしましょう♪ベストを尽くしますとお約束します!!(*^^*)I can't to see you in my class.Thank you for watching my video.

Hello, my name is Alie and I'm so excited to be able to help you learn Japanese! I teach English on Nativecamp, so I'm familiar with their teaching style. Additionally, I've been running my own language school and have a lot of experience teaching. I can explain Japanese expressions, grammar, and everything else in English. Furthermore, I've completed the 120 TESOL training, which has taught me how to make language learning fun, easy, and effective. I'm a friendly person and I believe learning should be enjoyable, so I'm sure we'll have fun together. You can count on me.:)Thank you.


Playing with dogs English Ballroom dance

Tutor experience

1 month

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  • current time:September 08, 2024 11:52
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