
This campaign has ended. Thank you for your participation.

Thanks to your support, Native Camp celebrated its third anniversary since its launch.
To express our gratitude for your patronage, we launched the third campaign to commemorate our 3rd anniversary!
By posting to Instagram.Travel to CebuTwo pairs of four people will be selected by drawing.We will present to the

Campaign Period:

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 12:00 pm (noon) - Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at 12:00 pm (noon)

Post your course record to Instagram, which will be displayed after the lesson!

▼Campaign Details

During the campaign period, titled "English Perapera Marathon," after the lessons are over, you will be able to enjoy the following activities.Course Record Screenis displayed.
Post the course record to Instagram with the specified hashtag. & From among those who follow the official Native Camp InstagramTwo pairs of four people will be selected by drawing.に、Cebu Round Trip Ticketwill be given as a gift.

  • You must have the Instagram application installed and an account to apply.
  • Only one winner will be selected per person, but you may submit your entry as many times as you wish.
  • Please use a public account for posting, not a private (locked) account.
  • Winners will be contacted via Instagram direct message by early August.
  • Winners will not be announced on the website. Please note that we do not accept any inquiries regarding the lottery results.

① Follow the official Native Camp Instagram.

  • こちらのネームタグをInstagramからスキャンしていただくか、「nativecamp」で検索してください。



③読み取った受講記録のスクリーンショットを撮っていただくか、撮影した受講記録を、ハッシュタグ「#勉強垢 #ネイティブキャンプ」をつけてInstagramに投稿したらご応募完了です。

  • 投稿の際にトリミングしていただく場合は、オレンジ色の受講記録が切れないようご注意ください。
  • ネイティブキャンプのアプリからもご応募いただけます。


Posting restricted

I'm sorry, but
posting to this bulletin board has been restricted due to a
post that falls under the prohibited items of Article 2 of the Native Camp Plaza Usage Rules.